2011年4月18日 星期一


We believe that every Chinese has heard about the 24 filial piety stories. Those are important properties which describe about the traditional Chinese culture - Filial piety.
According to the obvious different social environment between the era of globalization and agriculture; therefore, I - Kuan - Tao Chongren cultural and educational foundation take the "Pai Hsiou Ching scriptures" one hundred sentences related to filial piety as a script and positively plan to have a series of filial piety films. In this way, we can remind modern people to fulfill filial piety as possible as they can.
Master Confucius said, "A young man should be filial to his parents at home, and respectful to his elders abroad. He should be loyal and truthful. He can love all the creatures and follow the good. When he has time and opportunity, he can study the scriptures."
We believe that people who have read the four books can recite fluently. No matter the Analects of Confucius or the 24 filial piety stories, they all promote that Chinese culture to put the emphasis upon the filial piety.
In order to promote the idea of I -- Kuan -- Tao originating from the Confucianism, I-Kuan-Tao has been positively pushing the activity by reciting the Confucian classics. Many elementary schools are all equipped with the classes reading the Confucian classics as well as the classes for parents. So far, there are over thousand classes reading the Confucian classics fulfilling the transmission of the filial piety concept.
繼崇德、光慧文化教育基金會於2009年底贈「百孝篇」版權及捐印簽約於「中國社會出版社」後,崇德光慧全球孝道推廣中心以及崇仁文化教育基金會更進一步出資拍攝孝道單元­劇「茉莉花開」(Jasmine Blossom),及「舞漾青春」(Kids on Cliffs)。
After the Chong-de Kuan-Huai cultural and educational foundation donate the copyright and contract of "Pai Hsiou Ching" to Chinese Social publisher at the end of 2009, Chong Te Kuan Huai global filial piety promotion center as well as the Chong-ren cultural and educational foundation further invest to film the play about filial piety "Jasmine Blossom" and "Kids on Cliffs".
An old man who has got senile dementia is the main story in "Jasmine Blossom". It portraits the modern small family to face the sick elders, as well as the responsibility that children take turn to raise their parents.
Young men are the main characters in the "Kids on Cliffs". It describes the pressure from the underage children regarding the parents as well as the uncertainty facing the future, the protagonist realizes parents' care toward him and releases the tense between parents and children throughout the social work.
Chong-ren cultural and educational foundation indicate that they hope to promote the spirit of filial piety and make the modern society and family more stable by the filial piety films.


